Castings and Auditions for orange county

Chapman University Film Project is Casting Hip Hop Dancers in the OC Area

Hip Hop dancers wanted for a Student Film Location: Orange County, California Type: Student Films HELLO DANCERS! My name is Marilee Jooste and I am one of the producers on a graduate level film at Chapman University called “Lovers” that is filming this weekend and we are looking for lead dancers with popping or hip… Read More »

Auditions for Disney Princesses – Orange County / L.A.

Party company seeking Princess and Superhero’s! Location: Orange County Type: General Performers We are a well known children’s party company in Orange County in need of ACTORS and ACTRESSES to portray various princess characters, superheros, pirates, and mascots. All costumes and party materials are provided Princesses: We are currently casting for the Frozen sisters, and… Read More »

Orange County California Theater

Ounce of Behavior Location: Orange County California Type: Theater Spectacles Improv Engine is having auditions for Ounce of Behavior! Saturday, January 17th 12:00pm – 3:00pm STAGEStheatre 400 E. Commonwealth Ave. Fullerton, CA, 92832 What is our show? Ounce of Behavior is a long form improvisational troupe that focuses on performing authentic and organic scenes. We… Read More »

Chapman University Thesis Project Seeks Extras in Orange County for “Bully”

Bully Location: Orange County Type: Film A Chapman University graduate thesis film, needs extras for a university presentation scene. Should be 35-year-old and up, 7 extras needed. The scene will take place in Chapman University, only half a day, on Oct.19, 2014. Payment: Other City or Location of call: Orange County Please submit to:… Read More »