Castings and Auditions for orange county

Dance Auditions in San Juan Capistrano for Paid Show

Dancers wanted in San Juan Capistrano (Orange County area) Type: Dance Audition for Halloween Dance Spectacular. San Juan Capistrano dance group is looking for dancers proficient in ballet and contemporary for a riveting, compelling dance centered on Halloween and everything that goes bump outside… and inside. Auditions will be held September 6th 10am-1pm at a… Read More »

Anaheim, California Theater

Painting Churches by Tina Howe Location: Anaheim, California Type: Theater The Gallery Theatre is casting for Tina Howe’s brilliant play-PAINTING CHURCHES CASTING: Gardner Church-60’s-70’s An award winning poet who lives in an up scale home in New England. He is beginning to lose his ability to write. Margret Church – His daughter, a painter, in… Read More »

Pageant of the Masters – Casting Call in Laguna Beach California

Pageant of the Masters is a world famous art exhibit where art comes to life and real people become a part of life sized art exhibits that reproduce the masters’ work. Pageant of the Masters takes place at the Laguna Beach festival of arts and their “Living Pictures” exhibition. Their ‘living pictures’ exhibit is world… Read More »