Castings and Auditions for palm beach

Acting Auditions in Palm Beach County, FL for Speaking Roles in Indie Film “Cannoli”

CANNOLI, short film Location: Palm Beach County, FL Type: Film YIN: female, 35-55 years old. Asian. Funny, volatile. Speaks broken English. TALENT AGENT: male, 30-60 years old. Scam artist, NY, NJ accent. DANTE: male, 30-50 years old. Arrogant New York actor. BEN: male, 19-30 years old. Asian. Big, baby-faced. Gentle. MR. GOZZI: male, 45-75 years… Read More »

Re-Casting Lead Role of Asian General in Indie Film “”2054″ A Princess, a Soldier and a Tailor” in West Palm Beach, FL

“2054” A Princess, a Soldier and a Tailor Location: Online/West Palm Beach, Florida Type: Film Lead: General Ming -Asian Male (or Female) Age 18-35 He is charming, cunning, a psychopath (maybe), kung fu fighter (maybe), warrior, a general and a future husband. He is about to marry the Princess! He is creating Super Soldier and… Read More »

Casting Volunteer Scare Actors for Shriek Week Halloween in Palm Beach Florida

Join the Boo Crew for Shriek Week at Sugar Sand Park Location: Palm Beach, FL Type: General Performers Join the Boo Crew for Shriek Week at Sugar Sand Park Haunted House volunteer actors wanted for this 12th annual  family event. There are three scare zones- the indoor haunted house (theme, Florida’s Terrifying Tourist Traps), haunted… Read More »

Auditions for a Cat, Spokes Cat for Purr-ifier Product Line National Commercial – Palm Beach Florida

Have a talented cat? If so, the Purr-ifier brand may be interested in casting your cat. Auditions will be held on the 5th in the Palm Beach area of Florida. Cats (and their owners) interested will need to do an in person screen test this week. Location: Palm Beach Forida Type: TV Commercial Purrrifier Screen… Read More »

Auditions For Principal and Background Roles in PAID Non-Union Branded Video – Palm Beach Florida

Seeking Actors or Models for Non-speaking Principal and Background Roles in PAID Non-Union Branded Video Location: Palm Beach, Florida Type: Video CASTING NOTICE: Seeking Actors or Models for Non-speaking Principal and Background Roles in PAID Non-Union Branded Video. Seeking actors or models to play non-speaking principal and background roles in a PAID Non-Union Branded Video.… Read More »