Castings and Auditions for st petersburg

Bryan Cranston’s New Movie “The Infiltrator” Seeking Volunteer Extras in Tampa Bay

The “Infiltrator” starring Bryan Cranston, John Leguizamo, Diane Kruger, Amy Ryan, Joseph Gilgun and Benjamin Bratt is casting volunteer extras. Do you live in the St. Petersburg, Florida area and looking for a chance to be in a movie? If you do not mind not getting paid, here is your chance to get a little screen… Read More »

Auditions for “Footloose” The Musical in St. Petersburg, FL

“Footloose, The Musical” – Auditions for Singers and Dancers in Florida Location: St. Petersburg, FL Type: Theater St. Petersburg City Theatre is looking for talented Singers and Dancers for the upcoming production of “Footloose, The Musical.” Production dates are January 23 – February 8th. Please contact Artistic Director, Corey Meles, ASAP if you are interested… Read More »

Paid models wanted in Miami – Male & Female (45 to 60+ Years Old)

Skin Care Models Wanted – Male & Female (45 to 60+ Years Old) Location: South Floirda (Miami – Fort Lauderdale) Type: Modeling SEEKING MALE/FEMALE MODELS FOR HEAD, NECK, HANDS, & UPPER CHEST (CLOTHED) FOR SKIN CARE PRODUCT LINE. All ethnic model types okay, but looking specifically for models where our skin care product would benefit… Read More »

Hair Models Wanted For Piad Show in Tampa and Orlando Florida

Paid Hair Models Diamond Model Talent in Florida is having auditions for hair models to work for an HSN Bosley hair products promotion. The modeling auditions will be held in March for shows that will take place in late March and mid April. Models interested in participating must be pre-approved to attend. The hair show… Read More »