Castings and Auditions for Teen

San Diego Girl Group

Teen Auditions singers and dancers Teenage Girl Group , Looking For 2-3 More Girls ! Auditions Free ! Casting notice posted on, casting location: San Diego, CA Hello , I’m Alizea and I’m looking for two to three more girls for a girl group. The age range is 14-16 . I want these girls… Read More »

Girl Group Chicago

All girl group Casting notice posted on, casting location: chicago IL. Hey its me brittany again i am lookin for more girls so if u can sing dance or rap than u can email me i need more girl i want girls from 14-16 any one just email me at thanks Casting Location:… Read More »

Girl Group Chicago

Singing and Dancing and Rapping (Chicago IL) Casting notice posted on, casting location: Chicago Hey , Wassup . My Name Is Christian JaLon Funches and I’m Looking For Two Other Girls Who Can Sing and Dance , From The Ages Of 14-16 . I Am As Well 14 Years Old . I Am An… Read More »

Auditions for Teens – Extras Atlanta

11/12 Teen Extras Needed – 2hrs Compensation Availalble Casting notice posted on, casting location: Atlanta SAT 11/12 9:00 to 11:45 Casting Needs: 25 CLASSMATES: male and female, any race, 14-17 to play a variety of students at an Atlanta Public School. Project Title: “This ONE Girl” Synopsis: Short topical film about underage prostitution in… Read More »

MTV Casting Call Ohio

MTV is now looking for Ohio State University students to appear in a show! Have a SEX or RELATIONSHIP question for America’s most popular sex columnist, DAN SAVAGE? MTV is casting current OSU students, 18 and older, for a new series with author, pundit & personality Dan Savage. Dan and MTV are coming to the… Read More »

Teens Los Angeles

Teens needed for ‘The Pajama Game’ Los Angeles California Notice posted by the Director Casting notice posted on, casting location: Los Angeles, CA The Pajama Game, casting TEENS immediately. Email now to schedule an audition, Casting Location: Los Angeles, CA Contact email:

Chicago – Teenage singers and dancers

Starting a group Wanted Singers and Dancers for Group Casting notice posted on, casting location: Chicago, IL. Hey! My name is Jen, I’m 15, african-american, and I want to start a singing/dancing group. I’m looking for dedicated, faithful, fun girls ages 14-16 who love to sing and dance. Please email me or hit me… Read More »