Castings and Auditions for Teen

Dance Auditions kids and teens

DC dance auditions Dance auditions posted by the Director, Pre-Professional Company, CMI Casting notice posted on, casting location: Washington, DC Love being on stage? Got talent, passion, and drive? Looking to take your dancing to the next level? On June 11, Capitol Movement, Inc (CMI) will hold open auditions for boys and girls, ages… Read More »

Auditions in Connecticut | Hartford Children’s Theater

audition notice posted by the Artistic Director Casting notice posted on, casting location: Hartford, CT HARTFORD CHILDREN’S THEATRE announces open auditions for the 2011-2012 Family Main Stage Series and HCT on the Road. Season auditions will be held by appointment only at HCT’s Carriage House Theatre (360 Farmington Avenue, Hartford, CT) on Wednesday, June… Read More »

Auditions “Dance Machine the Movie” nationwide

Dance Machine the Movie Casting notice posted on, casting location: Nationwide We are casting for the full feature film “DanceMachine!”. “Dance Machine” is being produced by Mark R. Harris whose credits, to name a few, include “Crash”, “The Black Donnellys,” and “Gods and Monsters.” Mr. Harris has developed a reputation for being a Hollywood… Read More »

Casting Teens NYC

audition notice posted by the Producer Casting notice posted on, casting location: New York City Hello, Looking for 2 teens to be interviewed for a Nature of Things documentary on May 25th at noon. Honorarium provided. Please call Holly at 204-775-4092 Casting Location: New York City Contact email:

Portland Youth Orchestra Auditions for 2011-2012

Casting notice posted on, casting location: Portland, Oregon Portland Youth Rock Orchestra Announces Auditions for 2011-2012 Debut Season Auditions begin June 1st for the Portland Youth Rock Orchestra Portland Oregon—The Portland Youth Rock Orchestra will begin holding auditions for its debut 2011-2012 season starting June 1st at various locations in and around Portland. Electric… Read More »

Teen Singers for Glee-TV-Show – Dallas

Teen Singers for Glee-TV-Show Type Live Performance Group Casting notice posted on, casting location: Dallas, TX Popular Gravity is a Glee-inspired teen singing & dancing performance group headquartered in McKinney, Texas (30 min. North of Dallas). Group is holding auditions to add a few additional teen singers. Visit web site for more information.… Read More »

Casting teens and their parents

PARENTS: Do You Think Your Teen Is Too Young To Date….Travel Abroad…Get A Piercing? Casting notice posted on, casting location: Nationwide Hey Parents! Do you feel like your teenager is too young to date? Does your teen want to get a piercing, dye their hair, or even get plastic surgery? Is your teen rebellious… Read More »