Castings and Auditions for Teen

DANCER AUDITIONS for teens in Dallas TX

Location: Dallas TX Type: Dance Seeking female dancers between the ages of 12 to 16 years old. ARE YOU THE ONE? Looking for dancers and performers who have the passion to entertain! This is a opportunity you don’t want to miss! Will perform at live shows, music videos, fundraisers, concerts and other events! Live show… Read More »

Disney Open Auditions Star Wars VII – US Nationwide

Disney Auditions and Casting Call information for “Star Wars”   More open casting calls have now been announced for the New Walt Disney Pictures production of “Star Wars Episode 7”. Casting calls for Star Wars went out to the UK earlier this week and are now scheduled for various cities in the United States! The… Read More »

New Teen Girl Group Chicago

Location: Chicago Type: Singers We are looking for singers between the ages of 13-17 interested in being part of a singing group. All singers will be required to sing songs within the R&B and pop genres and be able to dance a little. There will be no pay in the beginning. The group will perform… Read More »

MTV ’16 and Pregnant’

16 and Pregnant is is looking for newly pregnant teens who would like to share their stories with the MTV audience. The show follows the stories of pregnant teenage girls in high school dealing pregnancy. 16 and pregnant is shot in a documentary style that shows the stresses and hardships faced by the teen moms… Read More »

Dallas Texas – Teen Male role for film

Location: Dallas, TX Type: Film I am looking for a Caucasian male between the ages of 16 to 19, weight between 180 to 200lbs, height up to 5’6 willing to do a small role in a Christian based film. If interested, please contact me at 214-406-0661. This is a great opportunity to get exposure and… Read More »