Castings and Auditions for video auditions

Online Auditions for Actors in Los Angeles Area

Hollywood Hustle Location: Online for Los Angeles locals Type: Film I’m looking for 3 actors for the comedy Feature Hollywood Hustle. Characters Stacy -female, black or mixed ethnic- age mid 20’s. Some comical attitude with a slight dramatic tone David – black, late 20’s, early 30s. A serious tone with a slight comical attitude. Darius,… Read More »

Detroit and Cincinnati Theater Auditions

Hoosier Shakes Summer Season Location: Detroit Video Auditions Hoosier Shakes (IN) and video auditions in Cincinnati Ohio. Type: Theater Description: Hoosier Shakes Summer Repertory Season The Tempest and Richard III Rehearsals May 16-June 4 Rehearsals in-person in Marion, IN. Housing provided for out of town actors. Outdoor Indiana Tour: June 5-27 in Marion, Wabash, Fairmount,… Read More »

Casting People Over Zoom With Strong Political Opinions for Unify America

Unify Challenge – Political Opinions Wanted Location: nationwide Type: Educational Unify America is a national grassroots non-profit organization dedicated to replacing political partisanship with problem-solving and conflict with consensus. We currently are looking for people with strong political opinions who are willing to share their opinions with us in a videotaped interview. We will be… Read More »

Video Auditions for Acing Roles in Comedy “Covidia Inventions”

Covidia Inventions: Part 1 Location: Nationwide Type: Film OPEN CASTING CALL – Virtual Film (no in-person contact) CASTING AND FILMING AS SOON AS POSSIBLE Film: “Covidia Inventions: Part 1” SEEKING; Actors for a Short Film Synopsis: A Covid comedy about a couple who runs out of toilet paper and eventually seek out alternatives. Talent for:… Read More »