Castings and Auditions for Webshows

African American male actors

African American Males needed for Webseries Casting notice posted on, casting location: Washington DC based production company is seeking African American male actors between the ages of 25 – 40 for its upcoming dramatic web series: Auditions will take place in the upcoming weeks and we are looking to begin production soon after auditions.… Read More »

Tryouts for Reality Show | PA

casting call 13-16 reality webshow Casting notice posted on, casting location: pittsburgh pa Need many actors (no experience) 13-16 and 25-30for online show just like deggssi Posted: ——————————————————————————– Reply: hello i need alot of people for my online webshow the show is a REALITY SHOW like deggssi THIS IS THE REAL DEAL and… Read More »

MINK Productions casting commercial

Commercial Casting Notice Commercial audition posted by the Executive Producer Casting notice posted on, casting location: M.INK Productions We’re currently casting for 2 Internet commercials (webmercials). Looking for a male of Latin descent, age range 25-40, average build. Also looking to cast a male of European descent, age range 23-35, average build. Acting experience… Read More »

Seeking on camera host / spokesperson in Boston

New England auditions – On-camera host / spokesperson from the Boston Mass area. Accela communications is seeking locals to Metro West Boston Area only! for this non-union, on-camera, paid acting job. Accela Communications is seeking to add to its roster of on-camera non-union talent. (Male and Female, age 30-55) Accela services the healthcare, information technology,… Read More »

Auditions Gay Force Rangers | Atlanta

Gay Force Rangers auditions Atlanta Casting notice posted on, casting location: Atlanta We are looking for actors to play in an upcoming web series called Gay Force Rangers. Think Gay Power Rangers. The series follows 6 GLBT (Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender) friends as they are chosen to protect the world from an evil drag… Read More »